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"The only truth is music." - Jack Kerouac

In 2015 Roeland Hendrikx founded his own chamber music ensemble, which essentially focuses on the rich repertoire for clarinet, piano and strings. In the largest line-up, there are six musicians on stage, but programmes in trio, quartet or quintet formation are also on offer.

Although he gave his name to the ensemble, and remains its inspiration and driving force, Roeland exclusively works with like-minded colleagues. These are chosen in function of their technical and expressive craftsmanship, but also on the basis of the stripes they have earned in other ensembles, and the uniqueness they contribute to the chemistry of the ensemble. Because the Roeland Hendrikx Ensemble is a permanent collective that remains loyal to a small number of musicians, it can function – much more than any ad hoc formation – as a laboratory in which various spirits and styles can collaborate towards one overwhelming melting point.

The Roeland Hendrikx Ensemble is often praised for its technical perfection and the special symbiosis that emerges when individual talents consciously choose to collaborate instead of engaging in fleeting experiences. The ensemble has only one goal: to move, to enrapture, ... and to provide a memorable listening experience.

Featured on

Various composers
Zayt Gezunterheyt: The folk soul of the Eastern clarinet
Roeland Hendrikx Ensemble
Camille Saint-Saƫns, Piet Swerts
Le Bestiaire
Roeland Hendrikx Ensemble